quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2017

The Chieftains ft. Sinéad O'Connor - The Foggy Dew

The Chieftains são um grupo musical irlandês.

Foi fundado em 1963, sabido para executar e popularizar a música tradicional irlandesa. Onome Chieftains deriva da tradução da língua inglesa da palavra gaélica irlandesa Taoiseach, significando um chefe do clã ou um líder. Alguns historiadores sugerem que na Irlanda antiga, um taoiseach era um rei menor.

A banda gravou muitos álbuns de música popular irlandesa instrumental. As colaborações múltiplas com os músicos populares de muitos gêneros, incluindo a música do país, música tradicional gaélica, música da Bretanha e da Newfoundland, e rock in roll. Executaram temas com Van Morrison, Moya Brennan, Mick Jagger, Elvis Costello, Roger Daltrey, Nanci Griffith, Tom Jones, Sinéad O'Connor, James Galway, The Corrs, Garfunkel, Sting, Jim White, Tom Partington, Ziggy Marley, Lyle Lovett entre outros.

Em 1975, o grupo colaborou na banda sonora do filme "Barry Lyndon" de Stanley Kubrick. 

Os Chieftains já ganharam seis prémios Grammy, tendo sido nomeados dezoito vezes. Ganharam também um Óscar, um Emmy e um Genie. 

As capas dos primeiros quatro álbuns foram projetadas por Edward Delaney.


The Chieftains 1 (1963)
The Chieftains 2 (1969)
The Chieftains 3 (1971)
The Chieftains 4 (1973)
The Chieftains 5 (1975)
The Chieftains 6: Bonaparte's Retreat]] (1976)
The Chieftains 7 (1977)
The Chieftains Live! (1977)
The Chieftains 8 (1978)
The Chieftains 9: Boil the Breakfast Early (1979)
The Chieftains 10: Cotton-Eyed Joe (1981)
The Year of the French (1982)
Concert Orchestra (1982)
The Chieftains in China (1985)
Ballad of the Irish Horse (1986)
Celtic Wedding (1987)
In Ireland (1987)
Irish Heartbeat - With Van Morrison (1998)
The Tailor Of Gloucester (1988)
A Chieftains Celebration (1989)
Over the Sea To Skye: The Celtic Connection - With James Galway (1990)
Bells of Dublin (1991)
Another Country (1992)
An Irish Evening (1992)
The Celtic Harp: A Tribute To Edward Bunting (1993)
The Long Black Veil (The Chieftains)|The Long Black Veil (1995)
Film Cuts (1996)
Santiago (1996)
Long Journey Home (1998)
Fire in the Kitchen] (1998)
Tears of Stone (álbum)|Tears of Stone (1999)
Water From the Well (2000)
The Wide World Over (2002)
Down the Old Plank Road: The Nashville Sessions (2002)
Further Down the Old Plank Road (2003)
The Long Black Veil (The Chieftains)|The Long Black Veil (2004 Mobile Fidelity Gold CD reissue)
Live From Dublin: A Tribute To Derek Bell (2005)
The Essential Chieftains (2006)
San Patricio (2010)

Pode consultar a biografia de Sinead O'Connor aqui.

Nota: o presente post recolheu informação da Wikipedia, do Youtube e letrasmusica.br

The Chieftains ft. Sinead O'Connor

The Foggy Dew

(Tema do álbum "The Long Black Veil")

As down the glen one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I,
Their armed lines of marching men
In squadrons passed me by.
No pipe did hum, no battle drum
Did sound its loud tattoo
But the Angelus' bells o'er the Liffey's wells
Rang out in the foggy dew.

Right proudly high in Dublin town
Hung they out a flag of war.
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky
Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.
And from the plains of Royal Meath
Strong men came hurrying through;
While Brittania's Huns with their long-range guns
Sailed in through the foggy dew.

The bravest fell, and the requiem bell
Rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Easter-tide
In the springing of the year.
While the world did gaze with deep amaze
At those fearless men but few
Who bore the fight that freedom's light
Might shine through the foggy dew.

And back through the glen I rode again
And my heart with grief was sore
For I parted then with valiant men
Whom I never shall see more
But to and fro
In my dreams I go
And I kneel and pray for you
For slavery fled
Oh, glorious dead
When you fell in the foggy dew

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